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By-laws of The Woodbury County Democratic Party



Last Updated: July 26, 2023

I. Purpose

  1. The Central Committee of the Woodbury County Democratic Party (WCDP), hereinafter the Central Committee, exists to advance the principles of democratic government by: 
    1. Supporting and promoting the nominees, candidates, policies, platforms, and programs of the Democratic Party at the local, county, state, and federal levels;
    2. Maintaining an effective and unified Democratic Party organization throughout Woodbury County. 
  2. The Central Committee is governed by and in compliance with the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP), and any conflict between these Bylaws and the Constitution of the IDP will be resolved in favor of the latter. 

II. The Central Committee

  1. Composition. The Central Committee will be composed of: 
    1. Two committee persons elected at even year caucuses from each precinct in Woodbury County, Iowa, 
    2. The officers as set forth in ARTICLE II, Section 2 of these Bylaws, 
    3. At-Large Precinct Members and, 
    4. Elected Woodbury County Democratic Officials. 
    5. Term of office for all Central Committee members will last until the next biennial organizational meeting as outlined in Article III.1.D. 
  2. Officers. The Central Committee shall elect the following officers at its biennial organizational Meeting during odd numbered years. Any person who is registered as a member of the Democratic Party  in Woodbury County is eligible to be elected as an Officer. Central Committee Officers may be elected between biennial organizational Meetings as needed by vacancy or as additional Officers are deemed appropriate.
    1. Chairperson 
    2. Vice Chairperson(s) 
    3. Secretary(s) 
    4. Treasurer. 
    5. County Affirmative Action Chair(s). This position(s) shall be elected at the county convention. Two or  more additional members of the County Affirmative Action shall be elected by the Central Committees at  the first regular meeting following the biennial organizational Meeting. 
  3. At-Large Membership: 
    1. The Central Committee may nominate, second, and approve a registered Woodbury County Democrat for At-Large membership. 
    2. At-Large Precinct membership may not exceed forty-four (44) members. 
  4. Elected Officials. Registered Woodbury County Democrats elected to office within the county are by virtue of their election members of the Central Committee. 
  5. Voting. Each member of the Central Committee is entitled to one (1) vote and may cast one (1) vote on Central Committee business. All votes will be cast in person. 
  6. Vacancies and Resignations: 
    1. Any person may resign from the Central Committee and shall do so by notifying the Chairperson in writing. 
    2. The Central Committee, during its term of office, shall fill any precinct vacancies that exist within the Committee by nomination and election during a Central Committee meeting. 
    3. Upon leaving office, all Committee members will turn over all books and records or other property of the WCDP in their possession to the County Executive/Central Committees. 
  7. Resignation, Termination, or Absences
    1. Resignation of a voting member of the Central Committee, after provided in writing to the Chairperson, shall be announced at a subsequent Central Committee meeting and such writing shall be  provided to the Secretary(s). 
    2. With prior agenda notice, and a quorum present at said meeting, a member of the Central Committee may be removed by majority vote of Central Committee members present for any of the following reasons: 
      1.  Failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the Central Committee without excuse.
      2.  Non-residency in Woodbury County. 
      3.  Support of a candidate for public office who is running against a candidate nominated by the Democratic Party. 
      4.  Inattention to duty or incompetence as outlined by the Constitution of the IDP. Removal under these grounds must be moved, seconded, and approved at a Central Committee meeting for consideration on the next regular meeting’s agenda.  
    3. Removal of a Central Committee member shall follow the process below: 
      1.  The Executive Committee must first determine that cause for removal exists based on one or more of the aforementioned infractions. 
      2.  A designated officer of the WCDP shall bring the proposed removal to the Central Committee, where it must be moved, seconded, and approved by 2/3 of Central Committee Members present for consideration on the agenda at the next scheduled meeting. Paper ballots may be used for this purpose. 
      3.  If the member facing removal is not present, said member shall be notified by the Secretary(s) or the Chairperson immediately following the first meeting. Any member subject to removal shall be provided the opportunity to defend against removal at the second meeting. 
      4.  At the second meeting, a final vote will be taken, at which time a simple majority of 50% plus one of the members present will decide the matter. Paper ballots may be used for this purpose.

III. Central Committee Procedures

  1. Meetings: 
    1. Meetings will be held at the call of the Chairperson or by petition, as set out in Article III, Section 2 and Article III, Section 1(C) of these Bylaws. 
    2. A minimum of one meeting will be held every three (3) months, or four (4) meetings per calendar year. 
    3. Special Meetings of the Central Committee may be called by: 
      1. the Chairperson or, 
      2. a Vice Chairperson(s) or, 
      3. a petition presented to the Chairperson or a Vice Chairperson(s) with the signature of twenty-five percent (25%) of Central Committee members. The petitions must be gathered within a fifteen (15) day period and presented within five (5) days of the petition’s completion. Upon presentation of the petitions, the Chairperson must direct notice of a meeting within fifteen (15) days of the presentation. 
    4. The biennial organizational meeting during odd numbered years shall be held at a time set by the  County Central Committee between March 1 and April 1, per the Constitution of the IDP. 
  2. Notice of Meetings. Notice of all meetings, including special meetings, will contain an agenda listing any action items for the meeting. 
    1. Notices of all meetings, other than special meetings, will be sent by electronic mail  at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting date. 
    2. Members wishing to receive meeting notices by postal mail must make written request to The Secretary(s), who shall keep a record of all members who so elect. 
  3. Quorum. In order for any business to be transacted at a meeting of the Central Committee, a quorum of fifteen percent (15%) of the members of the Central Committee eligible to attend and participate in the meetings will be necessary. 
  4. General Procedures: 
    1. The general procedures of the Central Committee will be in accord with Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws. 
    2. All decisions of the Central Committee will be determined by a vote of those present, provided that notice of a meeting will have properly been given and provided a quorum is present. 
    3. In the case of Special meetings, the Central Committee may take no action other than that specified in the meeting agenda. 
  5. Committees.
    1. Executive Committee: 
      1. The Executive Committee will be composed of the Central Committee Officers. Subcommittee Coordinators and others advisors as may be invited by the Chairperson and Executive Committee. 
      2. Notice of meetings will be sent by electronic mail at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting date. 
      3. Decisions of the Executive Committee will be by majority present. 
      4. The Executive Committee will be authorized to act for the Central Committee during the interim of regular meetings and when it is impractical to call meetings of the Central Committee. 
      5. The Executive Committee is authorized to review and approve or disapprove, in the discretion of the Executive Committee, reimbursement of expenditures or expenses of a committee member, officer or volunteer in furtherance of the business of the Central Committee as follows: 
        1.  The party requesting reimbursement shall submit a request for reimbursement to the Chairperson for presentation to the Executive Committee; 
        2.  The Chairperson shall present the request to the Executive Committee at the next meeting of the Executive Committee for review and approval or disapproval; 
        3.  If approved, the Executive Committee shall direct the Treasurer to issue a check to party requesting reimbursement for delivery; 
        4.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the requested reimbursement has been previously approved as a specific budget item, Executive Committee approval is not required and reimbursement may issue pursuant to Section V(4)(B)(1) below. 
      6. Fifty percent (50%) of the Officers will constitute a quorum. 
      7. The Executive Committee will maintain minutes of its actions and will report all interim actions at the next meeting of the Central Committee for approval or disapproval by the Central Committee. 
    2. Subcommittees: 
      1.  The Chairperson may designate subcommittees deemed necessary to perform Party functions with the approval of the Central Committee. The Chairperson shall appoint a  Subcommittee Coordinator for any subcommittee so designated. 
      2.  The Subcommittee Coordinator shall report to the Executive Committee.
      3.  Subcommittee Coordinators may invite any WCDP member to participate in their designated  subcommittee.

IV. Responsibilities of Committee Members

  1. The general responsibilities of Precinct Committee Persons will be: 
    1. To attend regularly scheduled meetings of the Central Committee. 
    2. To serve on any Subcommittee when appointed. 
    3. To assist the Central Committee and Subcommittees in carrying out their functions.
    4. To support and promote, first and foremost, the nominees, candidates, policies, platforms, and programs of the Democratic Party at all levels (as in Article I). 
  2. The precinct responsibilities of Committee Persons will be: 
    1. To maintain liaison between the Central Committee and all registered Democrats within their precinct. 
    2. To conduct precinct caucuses in accordance with recommendations of the Central Committee and the laws of the State of Iowa. 
    3. Other responsibilities as outlined by the Chairperson. 

V. Responsibilities of Officers

  1. Chairperson. 
    1. It will be the responsibility of the Chairperson to: 
      1. See that the purpose of the Central Committee is carried out. 
      2. Preside over meetings of the Executive and Central Committees. 
      3. Designate a Vice Chairperson(s) or a Secretary(s), along with the Treasurer, with authority to sign checks issued against the funds of the Central Committee. 
      4. Fill vacancies of the Central Committee promptly with the advice and consent of the Central Committee. 
    2. The Chairperson may appoint, with the advice and consent of the Central Committee, the following positions: 
      1. Advisor(s). 
      2. Social Media Coordinator. 
      3. Any Subcommittee Coordinator and any other positions as deemed necessary by the Executive and  Central Committees. 
  2. Vice Chairperson(s). 
    1. It will be the responsibility of a Vice Chairperson(s) to assist the Chairperson and to act as the Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence, when so designated by the Chairperson.
  3. Secretary(s). 
    1. It will be the responsibility of the Secretary(s) to: 
      1. Keep a written and electronic record of all business transacted at all meetings.
      2. Provide copies of minutes to members of the Central Committee, in a timely fashion.
      3. Report on all correspondence received since the last Committee meeting.
      4. Keep an attendance record of all Central Committee members. 
      5. Conduct a roll call at each meeting noting Central Committee presence or absence.
      6. Notify the Chairperson when a member misses three consecutive meetings of the Central Committee.
      7. Give due notice to those members who are subject to removal from the Central Committee per Article II, Section 7. 
      8. Send all communications as directed by the Executive or Central Committees.
      9. Notify Central Committee members of meetings by mail (postal or electronic) as set forth in these Bylaws. 
      10. Maintain records of which members request in writing to receive notifications via postal mail. 
      11. Promulgate other correspondence as needed. 
  4. Treasurer. 
    1. It will be the responsibility of the Treasurer to: 
      1. Be the guardian of all Central Committee funds. 
      2. See that such funds are promptly and properly placed in a bank account in Woodbury County under the name of the Woodbury County Democratic Central Committee.
      3. Maintain and record all income and expenditures of the Central Committee.
      4. Give a written financial report, as requested by the Chairperson or Executive Committee, to the Central Committee at each regular meeting, noting the balance, incomes, and expenditures since the last meeting. 
      5. Prepare and file all necessary Campaign Disclosure Reports as required under the laws of the United States and the State of Iowa, and provide a copy to the Chairperson. 
      6. Maintain responsibility for a Database of WCDP contributors and activists.
    2. The Treasurer shall have the authority to: 
      1. Issue checks to pay the operational costs of the Central Committee as provided within its budget; 
      2. Pay other expenditures of Central Committee funds with prior approval of the Executive Committee or Central Committee. 
  5. Advisors. An appointed Advisor may be an experienced Woodbury County Democratic Party member of good standing and may have previously served on the Central and Executive Committees. Previous County Chairpersons could appropriately serve in this capacity. Other Democratic Party or  related experience on the local, regional, or national level may be considered in appointing Advisors.
  6. Social Media Coordinator. The Social Media Coordinator will maintain and update a WCDP Website or other WCDP social media to provide pertinent information and links for County Democrats. 
  7. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator. 
    1. It will be the responsibility of the Woodbury County Affirmative Action Chair(s) to serve as the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator(s). 
      1. The DEI Coordinator has the responsibility to: 
        1. Plan, organize, coordinate and implement programs that promote awareness, information and education that encourage underrepresented populations to become involved with the Democratic Party.
        2. Establish a liaison with underrepresented populations in urban and rural areas of Woodbury County. 

VI. Precinct Caucuses

  1. Precinct caucuses will comply with the laws of the State of Iowa and the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Iowa. 
  2. The Central Committee will promulgate all necessary rules and regulations for purposes of the Precinct Caucuses consistent with the laws of the State of Iowa and the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party.

VII. County Conventions

  1. County Conventions will comply with the laws of the State of Iowa and the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Iowa. 
  2. The Central Committee will promulgate all necessary rules and regulations for purposes of the County Convention consistent with the laws of the State of Iowa and the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party.

VIII. Party Loyalty

  1. Individual Provision.
    1. No member of the Central Committee should publicly endorse, contribute funds to, or contribute support in a partisan election at any level to any candidate other than Democratic candidates. Such conduct may constitute possible grounds for removal from the Central Committee per Article II, Section 7. 
  2. Central Committee Provision.
    1. The Central Committee or any subcommittee thereof shall not provide financial, logistical, or other support to any person who is running in a Democratic primary election. 
    2. A Central Committee Member may challenge a Woodbury County Democratic primary candidate’s  candidacy as a Democrat by calling for a vote of the Central Committee if such candidate fails to support  the ideals of the Woodbury County Democratic Party platform. If the challenge receives majority vote support from the Central Committee, the Central Committee may provide financial, logistical, or other  support to the other person running as a Democratic candidate in the primary election.
    3. The Central Committee or any Subcommittee thereof will not provide financial, logistical, or other support to any duly elected (or appointed) Democratic nominee for public office, who endorses, contributes to, raises funds for, or otherwise runs in coalition with other than Democratic Candidates.

IX. Amendments to the Woodbury County Democratic Party By-laws

  1. Procedure. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Central Committee at two Central Committee meetings pursuant to Article III of these Bylaws. 
    1. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws will be accepted for approval by majority vote of Central Committee members present at the first meeting only. 
    2. Proposed bylaws as amended will be presented to the Central Committee at the second meeting for ratification as a whole, by a two-thirds vote of members present. 
  2. Notice to Members: 
    1. A written copy of any proposed amendments will be provided to members of the Central Committee not less than ten days in advance of the first meeting at which the amendments are to be considered.
    2. If proposed amendments to the Bylaws were themselves amended from their original form at the first meeting, members will be provided with a written copy of final amended Bylaws not less than ten days in advance of the second meeting where said Bylaws would be subject to ratification. 
    3. In either of the above cases, written notices and amendments will be sent to members by mail (postal or electronic), in the same format by which they would receive regular meeting notices.